Linking Into Sales Podcast Episode 21 - The David Phillips Interview

Martin Brossman goes solo and interviews David Phillips. David, a seasoned sales executive, has a great story to share about how he used LinkedIn, Twitter, blogging and a free press release service to get people calling him. Martin and David also discuss whether you should write your LinkedIn profile in the first or third person [...]

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Linking Into Sales Podcast: Episode 20 - Our First With Google Plus Hangouts On Air

Join us, Martin Brossman and Greg Hyer, as we discuss a number of the features of Google Plus in this new format. We also try to explain why Google Plus is important now and is a platform you should be spending time on. We help make the case for why Google may have done the [...]


How do I remove someone from LinkedIn?

Often, once sales professionals see the true value of LinkedIn one of the questions they ask is: “How do I remove a connection from my network on LinkedIn?” They may have connected with someone they should not have or someone that they no longer have a professional relationship with. There are also those out there that [...]

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